Dover & Deal Liberal Democrats' Annual Lunch with Mike Martin MP
All East Kent Lib Dem members are more than welcome to join Mike Martin and Dover and Deal Lib Dems on Saturday 8th February.
All East Kent Lib Dem members are more than welcome to join Mike Martin and Dover and Deal Lib Dems on Saturday 8th February.
Social Enterprise Kent have compiled a list of food and support services and activities that are taking place over the Christmas and New Year period.
Folkestone & Hythe District Council wants the new Lower Leas Coastal Park play area to be awesome.
Make a note of changes to the household waste and recycling service over Christmas and the New Year.
Yeah. I know you're interested. I can sense it,
Kent and Medway Resilience Forum announcement of Operation Brock in the run-up to Christmas 2024.
The UK must once again stand tall, leading on the world stage and working closely with those who share our interests – including, above all, our partners in Europe.
No child should ever have to experience sexual abuse. These are horrifying crimes that cause so much harm to the children who are victims. We will keep up the pressure so that the action needed to make our communities safe all children finally happens.
Government must deliver the change people are yearning for
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.
Ed Davey is a husband, a father and a carer. He is the Leader of the Liberal Democrats.
It is Ed’s experience of caring that drives much of his politics, and motivates his tireless campaigning for a fair deal.
Meet our representatives and candidates.