100 Today: Many, Many, Many Happy Returns!
It is a great pleasure to share in the celebrations of the people of Folkestone, and especially for someone who has lived here so long. The Mayoress and I were invited by the family of Lillian, known as Mary, to share the joy of her 100th birthday. I'm not sure who was more surprised when we met: Mary for the fact that the Mayor was kneeling at her feet to wish her a Happy Birthday, or us as we walked in to see her in full Salvation Army uniform which is still in good condition after 80 years!
The gift of flowers to Mary was well received and the party continued with her favourite entertainer, singing Country and Western, party food for all the residents of Hatfield Lodge and a delightful birthday cake. We were warmly welcomed by the staff and visitors and we were delighted to add a little something to the special day for a wonderful lady.

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