2011 Folkestone Triennial
Preparations have begun for the 2011 Folkestone Triennial with the announcement that Andrea Schlieker, Curator of the 2008 exhibition and 2009 Turner Prize Judge, has been appointed to direct the second Folkestone Triennial.
Arts and regeneration charity The Creative Foundation, organiser of the Triennial, has also announced that eight of the 22 works commissioned for the 2008 exhibition will remain permanently in Folkestone. They are:
- Adam Chodzko's short film Pyramid and accompanying documentation sign
- Nathan Coley's illuminated light structure Heaven is a Place Where Nothing Ever Happens
- Tracey Emin's seven small bronzes representing Baby Things
- Patrick Tuttofuocco's three metre high multi-coloured F O L K E S T O N E sign on the harbour arm, and accompanying film
- Mark Wallinger's Folk Stones, containing 19,240 numbered beach pebbles
- Richard Wentworth's Racinated, a series of ten text plaques
- Pae White's Barking Rocks, a rustic dog park
- Richard Wilson's 18 Holes, a series of three beach huts

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