£50,000 spent on Parking Consultants by Shepway up in smoke after County Council torpedoes scheme
The scheme to introduce charge Folkestone residents for street parking permits could be scrapped in an incredible feud between Conservative Kent and Shepway Councils.
Shepway's Conservative Council have spent £50,000 on consultants to put together proposals for a parking permit scheme, initially in central Folkestone and then across Cheriton, East Folkestone, Hythe and the rest of Shepway. Now Conservative Kent County Council wants almost ALL the cash that would be raised from the scheme to be taken from Shepway.
In reply to a enquiry by Folkestone Lib Dem Councillor Tim Prater, the Shepway Cabinet member for Parking Malcolm Dearden has confirmed that Kent want to "claw back" almost all the income from the scheme. Where Shepway under exists agreements could retain up to £100,000 currently, Kent are proposing that this should be reduced to just £15,000.
Tim Prater commented:
"Shepway's Conservatives have spent £50,000 of taxpayers money on consultants for this scheme. It has spent hundreds of hours of officer time and pushed through an unpopular scheme to charge residents £25 per car to park where it is currently free.
"To now find that the entire scheme, and all money spent on it, is in jeopardy because Kent County Council want the income is incredible.
"The Liberal Democrats on Shepway Council oppose the charging of local residents for parking permits for at least the first car. There are plenty of other schemes with other councils around that don't charge local residents for permits. The Conservatives kept telling local people this scheme was not about the money - but it seems that just wasn't true, and now that Kent want to take the money it raises, the whole scheme is in jeopardy."
The response to Tim Prater from Cllr Dearden [sent 23rd October] said:
"This [Shepway] council has on the 20th October 2008 received a formal proposal from KCC to amend the agreement, the main changes being as follows:
"1) To revise the agreement to provide for the development of an accompanying local operating agreement. The former would provide the legal basis for the arrangements, whereas the latter would include financial, technical and operational detail.
"2) Significant revisions to the distribution of surpluses. For example, whereas the council may retain up to £100,000 at present, KCC are proposing that this should be reduced to £15,000. In addition, they are proposing greater oversight regarding how the accounts are prepared.
"3) KCC to manage District's repatriated surpluses through the creation of a fund against which Districts could bid for funding for special projects etc.
"4) Prescribed policies in respect of on-street parking management e.g. common policies in respect of lines and signs, bays for disabled drivers, cross overs etc.
"The county council would like to have the new arrangements in place by the 31st March 2009.
"In addition to the formal proposals, officers have received a raft of technical documents that have yet to be fully assessed. However, what is clear is that the council's funding strategy for the parking strategy i.e. successor zones to be funded from surpluses generated from existing zones, will need to be revisited if KCC's proposals are agreed.
"In general terms therefore the County Council does not make any contribution to the costs of on-street parking. I have explained the position concerning surpluses.
"Approximately £50,000 has been spent on external costs to date. No breakdown of staff time has been calculated.
"No decision on the implementation date of the CPZ has been made. Obviously, I am considering the implications of recent developments.
"I have explained the position vis-á-vis the county position.
"It is to be noted that the agreement provides for two years notice of termination. During any notice period, unless agreed otherwise the existing financial arrangement would remain.
"I shall obviously consider the position in depth with the assistance of the officers of the District considering the position carefully."

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