96% of people say NO, but Shepway District Council say YES!
Shepway District Council, despite 96% of consultees objecting, are forcing through plans to establish parking restrictions on Sandgate's roads, starting next Monday. This is despite Cabinet Member for Transport, Malcolm Dearden, receiving a consultation report detailing 329 objections to the scheme, out of 342 responses. There were a mere 10 responses supporting the scheme (less than 3%).
The key objections related to the damage these restrictions will do to Sandgate businesses and the massive inconvenience caused to residents in nearby roads. Comments like "High Street and seafront will become ghost areas" and "Operational hours are punitive to local residents who live in nearby roads" underscore the seriousness of the objections raised.
Commenting on the plans, local resident and Sandgate Parish Cllr, Gary Fuller said:
"I'm absolutely livid. The Parish Council and the residents of Sandgate have reacted with a resounding NO to these plans. They will destroy local businesses and exacerbate the parking difficulties that already exist in the Village. Instead of listening to local people, who actually know the area and its issues, Malcolm Dearden and the Conservative run Shepway District Council have forced these plans through. What's the point in having a consultation if you're going to completely ignore the results?"
You can read the consultation report at http://www.shepway.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s20365/rcabt20160922%20Sandgate%20Proposed%20Parking%20Scheme-Cabinet%20Member%20report-%20TRO%20Consultation%20report.pdf
The decision document can be found at http://www.shepway.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s20393/dn20160930%20sandgate%20parking.pdf