A Strong Team for Shepway: Liberal Democrat Candidates for County, District, Town and Parish elections on June 4th
The Liberal Democrats in Shepway are fielding candidates in all County, District, Town and Parish Council elections taking place on June 4th.
The Liberal Democrat Kent County Council candidates for the Shepway area are:
- Elham Valley: Alex McNeice
- Folkestone North-East: Tom McNeice
- Folkestone South: Gary Fuller
- Folkestone West: Tim Prater
- Hythe: Darren Briddock
- Romney Marsh: Val Loseby
The Liberal Democrat Shepway District By-Election candidates are:
- Hythe West: Neil Matthews
- Romney Marsh: Sally Matthews
The Liberal Democrat Town and Parish By-Election candidates are:
- Hythe West (Hythe Town Council): Darren Briddock and Sam Matthews
- Sandgate Valley (Sandgate Parish Council): Ann Rimmer
Shepway Liberal Democrat Election Agent Tim Prater commented:
"I'm delighted that we are fielding candidates in all elections in the area, giving every local voter the chance to make a positive vote for the Liberal Democrats.
"Conservative-run Kent County Council have a lot to answer for having put millions at risk with investments in Iceland and failing so often to maintain our roads and pavements despite spending millions on Highway Services reorganisation.
"Shepway Council has recently been rated as the least improved Council in the Country - 388th out of 388 District Councils - according to the Audit Commission. The Conservative administration are letting Shepway down, and should be held to account. Labour have clearly given up on Shepway. They got less than 2% of the vote in the local elections in 2007, and this June they have even failed to stand a candidate in Hythe West - one of just 2 District by-elections.
"And a strong Liberal Democrat voice on the Conservative Hythe Town and Sandgate Parish Councils will make a real difference to local residents. Hythe Town Council has increased its Council Tax by over 30% in the last two years, and Sandgate Parish has seen the Conservative-led farce over switching to a Parish to Town Council then back again when the idea was massively rejected by Sandgate residents."

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