Agenda Launched for Spring Conference in York
The Liberal Democrats have published the agenda and directory for their Spring Federal Conference in York.
The agenda and directory give timings and details of motions, debates, speeches and fringe events and is available for download. This year's Spring Conference is being held at the York Barbican from 7-9 March.
Policy motions on the agenda for debate by members at Spring Conference in York:
- A Better, Fairer, More Sustainable Future for British Pubs
- Making Migration Work for Britain
- Reform of Planning
- Power to the People
- Food Poverty
- In Europe, In Work
- A Digital Bill of Rights
It's not too late to get involved: any member can come to York Conference in March to experience lively policy debates, exciting key note speeches, engaging fringe events and a bustling exhibition.
To find out more about the conference and to register go to