Anne Francis dies aged 101
Shepway Liberal Democrats are sorry to announce the passing of our oldest member, Edith Francis (known as Anne) who sadly died yesterday.
Anne's friend, Neil Matthews, said:
"I had known Anne for many years - she always supported me in my endeavours. Anne was a colourful character, always ready to have 'a chat'. Locally, Anne was life president of Saltwood's Art Club and in her more able years was also a keen Old Tyme Dancer."
Neil added:
"Anne lived through two world wars and so had gained many years of experience and knowledge. Anne married Bill, a Leicester policeman, and as a couple they moved to Dover, then to Sandgate and when eventually retiring, moved to Saltwood. I remember well her trip to France on her 90th birthday - we organised Anne's first passport and took her through the Channel tunnel for her first trip abroad. She loved the trip - and the flowers and champagne presented to her by the staff of Eurotunnel. Anne will be greatly missed."

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