Another Accident at Cherry Garden Avenue / Cheriton Road Traffic Lights
An elderly pedestrian was hurt and taken to hospital last night in yet another accident at the traffic lights at the Cherry Garden Avenue and Cheriton Road junction in Morehall, Folkestone. The junction is an accident blackspot, especially at night with street lights out in the area.
Morehall campaigner Darren Briddock was upset but not surprised to hear the news.
"Local residents and the Lib Dem team have been chasing Kent Highway Services for months to get these lights repaired" said Darren. "The Council seem intent on passing the buck rather than actually fixing the lights."
Darren has again written today to Kevin Titmarsh at Kent Highways Services to tell him about the latest accident, and asking again for the lights to be fixed as a matter of urgency. Other local residents who want to report the problems at this junction and press for the lights to be fixed should call Kevin Titmarsh of Kent Highways Services on 08458 247 800.

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