Are you Going to Brighton this September?
The Preliminary Agenda for the party's autumn Brighton conference is now available on the party website at
This contains the first selection of motions to be debated at Brighton, together with key information about registration, accommodation, travel and access. Also available are the first three policy papers to be debated at Brighton, on poverty and inequality, taxation and local government.
For those delegates yet to register, don't delay - the deadline for the early-bird discounted rate is Friday 29 June 2007.
There is a registration form in the centre of the Preliminary Agenda for you to fill in and return with payment to the Conference Office. Alternatively go to for more information and register on-line.
All the motions listed on the Preliminary Agenda are open to amendment, for which the deadline is Wednesday 11 July. The deadline for the submission of draft motions to our drafting advisory service is Wednesday 27 June.
11 July is also the deadline for topical motions, i.e motions on issues which have arisen since the deadline for ordinary motions (23 May).
Conference Committee is inviting motions on four 'reserved subjects': education, environment, foreign affairs and home affairs. Local Parties are welcome to submit a motion on any topic that falls within one of these headings, by the deadline of 11 July - the normal 'topicality' rule does not apply.
You can book your accommodation on-line with the official on-line hotel booking service, VisitBrighton Accommodation Bureau. The Bureau works with over 50 quality approved hotels ranging from four star splendour to cosy and affordable B&B's. Conference representatives are already making bookings. To make sure you don't miss out on the best accommodation go now to

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