Autumn 2017 Folkestone to Hythe Beach Replenishment Works
Twice a year beach replensighment works take place in the stretch of coast from Folkestone to Hythe, effectively moving the beach back every six months from where the sea and tide have tried to move it! The works are an important part of the sea flood defence works locally, protecting local properties from potential flooding from the sea in particularly high winds and tides.
Having been asked to check by a local resident when the works would be carried out this Autumn, Sandgate Parish Council have been told by Shepway DC (who orgainse the works):
"Our contractor will start works at Folkestone on 13.11.17, carrying out the short haul first for Cells 7,6 and 5 (Folkestone end) which means we will only need a couple of trucks initially, before moving into full mobilisation for the rest of the cells. Mobilisation of plant for Folkestone will be week commencing 6.11.17.
"This is subject to any more storms occurring in the near future which could cause emergency works."
So in Sandgate we should expect the beach replenishment works around mid to late November, weather dependent...