Avoid a Broken Heart this Valentine's...

As Valentine's Day draws near Kent Trading Standards would like to warn residents about Online dating scams. The scams involve the victim joining an online dating service or being contacted by someone who is looking for romance, but happens to live overseas.
Before long the scam victim will be asked for money by their online date, typically this is due to some financial emergency, such as hospital bills for a sick child, or it may be to buy an airline ticket as they are stranded abroad. They will be asked to send the money using an untraceable source, such as a telegraphic money transfer. The scammer will disappear with the cash.
This is National Flirting Week and Kent Trading Standards wishes you to be safe. Only use reputable online dating or chat services and do not respond to unsolicited e-mails. Never send money to someone you do no know, no matter how plausible they may sound.
Victims of these scams often do not report it as they are ashamed at having been conned or because they feel embarrassed for using a dating service, but the people who run these scams are clever and sophisticated and know how to persuade us to part with our cash.
Always report the matter to the dating site and Consumer Direct online at https://secure.consumerdirect.gov.uk/reportascam.aspx
Information on Scams can also be found at www.consumerdirect.gov.uk or call 08454 04 05 06

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