BBC1's The Big Questions: Live from Tonbridge, Sunday 7th June
The Big Questions, BBC1's topical and ethical debate show, is now well into its second series. They will be broadcasting live from Tonbridge on the morning of Sunday, June 7th and they would like to invite you to be part of the audience.
"The Big Questions" is the BBC's flagship religious and ethical debate programme. It is hosted by the experienced television and radio presenter Nicky Campbell, and airs live on Sunday mornings from locations all around the country. The show addresses tricky moral questions facing the nation today, consulting panellists, front row experts and a select studio audience. Beliefs, informed opinions and personal stories are all aired during three lively debates. As an audience member, you may even get the chance to contribute to the discussions yourself. Some of the topics they will be discussing include the private school system and vigilantes.
If you would like a seat in the audience, please contact Susanna Herbert as soon as possible, making sure to leave a contact phone number. You can reach Susanna on or on 01865 811141. If you are applying for more than one ticket, please include names and contact details for all the people interested in attending.
Feel free to pass on this message to anyone interested in debate or current affairs. They might well be able to invite them to this show, or one in the future.

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