Beaumont launches Contract with electors of Folkestone and Hythe

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe has launched a signed contract with voters. The contract is a pledge of conduct of behaviour on expenses if elected as the next MP for the constituency.
Lynne has pledged as an MP to claim no second home expenses, have no second job and to commute to London. The pledge comes in direct contrast to the behaviour of outgoing MP Michael Howard, who has a string of second jobs and directorships earning several thousands of pounds a month, and has had his second home expenses exposed in the media.
Lynne Beaumont says:
"I'm making a clear, signed pledge to local voters. Those voters can keep the pledge, stick it to the fridge and ensure I stick to those commitments. All candidates standing in the General Election here should make the same pledge - and they should promise to stick to it too."
The text of Lynne Beaumont's Contract of conduct of behaviour as MP for Folkestone & Hythe:
This contract is made between the resident and the prospective MP that once returned to parliament after the 2010 general election the prospective MP makes the following commitments to the resident:
- The prospective MP undertakes to refuse to claim any allowances from the tax payer for the purchase or rental of a second home.
- The prospective MP undertakes to not take any paid employment, directorship, or other such activity that may reasonably be taken as a job save for the job of being MP for Folkestone & Hythe to which the prospective MP will have been elected.
- That as the prospective MP intends to live in the constituency of Folkestone & Hythe and as the constituency has good rail links with London, the prospective MP undertakes to commute to London to attend the house of commons by rail.

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