Beaumont pledges to vote to keep foxhunting ban
Kent news report that Hunt masters are rallying the troops in a bid for Tory victory after David Cameron pledged to hold a free vote on foxhunting if he gets into Downing Street. Officials at hunting clubs have been calling on their members to help in the Conservative campaign.
Liberal Democrat candidate for Folkestone and Hythe, Lynne Beaumont, has pledged to vote against any move to allow a return to foxhunting. Lynne said:
"Banning hunting with dogs was the right thing to do. The ban should stay, and I'm appalled at suggestions that we could see a return to foxes being hunted to exhaustion and then killed and torn to pieces by hounds.
"I would vote against any return to foxhunting, but it seems my Conservative opponent here in Folkestone and Hythe would support it. It's yet more clear water between us."

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