Beaumont: Retention of all services and main building facade at Royal Victoria Hospital welcome
News of new investment at the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) site in Folkestone has been welcomed by Shepway Liberal Democrat Group Leader Lynne Beaumont. Facilities at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Folkestone are to be upgraded after the signing of a £3.6 million contract between East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust and Cardy Construction.
The deal was signed last week by NHS Trust Director of Facilities Howard Jones and construction boss Michael Stannard.
Lynne Beaumont said:
"We started the Save Our Royal Victoria Campaign in January 2007, in response to the news from the hospital that they were looking to sell the main hospital building, to keep all the services that were currently available at the RVH. I am pleased to say, that this was successful, and no services have been lost, although accommodation for some clinics are small and cramped, especially for the nursing staff.
"At the time there were massive concerns that we would at the very least lose the specialist Derry Unit, but I'm delighted that that service - and all others - remain at the RVH,
"There were two aspects of our campaign. The first being services, and the second was the building.
"The Royal Victoria Hospital is, from the outside, a very attractive building, and used as a landmark by many local people. There is a lot of emotion attached to this building - people were born there, relatives died there - and the attachment to the building by local people is very strong for obvious reasons.
"Through discussions with Howard Jones, and other parties, I believe every effort is being made to conserve the front elevation of the building, with the new build for flats behind the original frontage. I believe, for local people, this is the best we could have hoped for.
"Many people are concerned about the parking problems at the RVH, which will be heightened with the addition of more residential parking, but I am sure this will have to be addressed in the planning application which will be put before the Development Control Committee of Shepway District Council.
"What the Save Our Royal Victoria Campaign did for local people, is that they felt they were listened too, and it appeared, that for the first time, consultation was exactly that. The views of local people were taken into account, and no services were lost.
"I would like to thank Howard Jones for his understanding and commitment in this consultation."

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