Being "uncomfortably close" to a Political Party...
Interesting to read the comments of Gordon Williams, the Shepway Conservative Party agent, on Ann Barnes, who is an independent candidate for November's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections.
In an article in the Folkestone Herald (23rd August), he says Ann Barnes is "uncomfortably close to the Liberal Democrats" - presumably as some Lib Dem party members (who run an award winning campaign consultancy) are helping her campaign.
Leaving aside why being close to the Liberal Democrats should be uncomfortable, to the best of my knowledge Ann Barnes has never been, is not, and has no plans to become a member of the Liberal Democrats. Or indeed, any other party.
However, Gordon should know about "uncomfortably close" relationships with other parties. Gordon Williams is also the agent for Kent Conservative PCC candidate Craig Mckinlay.
Until 2005, Craig Mackinlay was a member of UKIP. In fact, not just a member, but a founding member, Treasurer, Deputy Leader, NEC member and at one point Leader Designate. Pretty much as high-rolling a member as you can get.
UKIP was of course denounced in 2004 - while Craig Mackinlay was still a member (and indeed standing for UKIP in the European Elections against the Conservatives) - by Michael Howard as "cranks and political gadflies".
Michael Howard was then MP for Folkestone and Hythe - and Gordon Williams became agent for Folkestone and Hythe while Michael Howard was still the MP.
If anyone is "uncomfortably close" for Mr Williams, it would surely be Craig Mackinlay and UKIP.
[Declaration of interest: Prater Raines Ltd, of which I am Managing Director, are proud to supply Peter Carroll Associates website. Just thought I'd mention that before someone else does.]

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