Berzi Family Belong to Dover
Samia and Noradine Berzi, nationals of Algeria and their sons Sami and M'Hand aged 13 and 10, all residents of Dover, were 'Captured' while reporting to Immigration in Kent on Monday July 27th. They are currently held in Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday August 3rd at 21.05 on Air Algerie Flight AH 2055.
The family have been living in Dover since fleeing Algeria in 2005 due to domestic abuse from Samia's in laws which placed the children at risk.
The boys have since settled and integrated in local Dover schools. Their mother Samia is a much valued volunteer for Dover Detainee Visitor Group. She has been visiting and supporting detainees in Dover IRC for three years. Samia has also volunteered for Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN), Barnados and St Gustons Church. All these organizations have sent letters of support to the Home Office on behalf of the family. The MP Gwyn Prosser has also made representations to the immigration minister Phil Woolas asking for the family to stay on compassionate grounds.
Samia is very frightened that if they are forced to return to Algeria she will lose the children because her vengeful in laws will abduct them. She is fearful for the children's welfare. The stress inflicted on Samia by her in laws resulted in her making two attempts to end her life while living in Algeria. She has been receiving counselling as treatment for depression organized by her GP. The detention and imminent deportation of herself and her loved ones has made Samia ill. She has told friends and colleagues that she is not eating or drinking and we are very concerned for her well being.
People close to Samia and her family are fighting with her to support their wish to stay in Dover where they truly belong.
Help the Berzi Family stay in the UK
1) Email/Fax Ouahid Bouabdellah CEO Air Algérie and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Samia and Noradine Berzi, nationals of Algeria, and their children Sami aged 13 and M'Hand and 10. Please include all the following details in your email / fax: " Samia and Noradine Berzi, nationals of Algeria, and their children Sami aged 13 and M'Hand and 10 due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday August 3rd at 21.05 on Air Algerie Flight AH 2055.
- Ouahid Bouabdellah CEO Air Algérie
- Fax: 00 213 21 74 44 25
- Human Resources
2) Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Samia and Noradine Berzi, nationals of Algeria, and their children Sami aged 13 and M'Hand age 10. Are released from detention and returned to their Dover home. Please remember to include HO refs: B12216681 & B1255634 in your letter.
- Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)
- Emails:,,
Please contact the Friends of Berzi Family Campaign to let us know what you have done:
- Kate: 078 2639 5433
- Email:
- Sara: 077 3881 0297

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