Blessing of the Fisheries
Dressing into full robes is exhausting enough but standing in 30 degrees for an hour is sweltering! The procession to The Stade on Folkestone Harbour was led by the Folkestone Pipes and Drums and included Folkestone Town and Shepway District Councillors as well as clergy from various denominations, all fully robed and finding the heat overwhelming.
The scene however, is a dignified one and the public acknowledgement of the central place of our harbour in the life of the town was very fitting. Bishop Keith captured the attention of the formal procession and gathering, but also drew in holiday makers and tourists, who joined in the hymns led by the Salvation Army Band.
The walk back up the hill was a struggle in the heat but refreshments and especially a cup of tea soon revived those staying and sharing time together in the garden at St Peter's Church.

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