Bogus Callers in Charles Crescent, Cheriton
Bogus workman claiming to be from the water board in order to try to gain access to peoples homes were seen in Charles Crescent on Sunday. The police were called after one resident raised the alarm.
Cheriton Town Councillor Tim Prater said:
"If you are in any doubt about the identity of a caller, do not let them in. If, after checking their identity you are still concerned, call the Police on 999. Don't leave it to someone else - even if you keep them out, they may be targeting neighbours if not challenged."
Folkestone and Dover Water Services offers advice on checking the identity of callers. They say:
"If a stranger, claiming to be from a utility company, knocks on your door and wants to come in, even if you are expecting them, you should make sure you take the following steps to protect yourself and your property.
- Think before you open the front door.
- If you have a spy-hole in your door look through it, and without opening the door, ask to see identification. Or, if you have a door chain then put it on and ask to see identification.
- Always ask for identification from any stranger wanting access to your premises. Check it carefully, don't just glance at it.
- Find out further information. If they say they are from Folkestone and Dover Water Services, ring us on 0845 888 5 888 to confirm their identity.
- Look at their clothing to see whether it is branded with our logo. Also look to see if they have a van with our logo on it parked on the road.
- If you are worried dial 999 and call the police.
- STOP & THINK - If in doubt keep them out"

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