Briddock and McNeice launch Morehall Avenue and Chart Road Traffic Survey

After being contacting by many local residents, Morehall Lib Dem Action Team Darren Briddock and Tom McNeice are conducting a residents survey in Morehall Avenue and Chart Road about the regular traffic problems there.
Darren Briddock explained:
"Many residents have told us the best approach to dealing with the big traffic problem in Morehall Avenue and Chart Road would be to make both roads one-way. Others support that move, but want to see traffic-calming introduced as well to ensure that one-way running does not lead to speeding cars."
"We are asking local residents their views so that we can represent those views fairly to Shepway Council and Kent Highways. Do all or most residents support introducing a one-way scheme? Would they like to see traffic-calming as well?"
Tom McNeice added:
"Many thanks to those residents who have already responded. We hope to hear from all local residents - whether for or against making the roads one-way so we can be certain of local views and make them clear to the Councils!"

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