Brockhill Young Farmers
Sometimes it is such a privilege to be present at a function, and this one at Brockhill School will remain in our memories. Opening the event in a beautiful marquee, was the school choir who sang The Lord's Prayer in Swahili. The Chair of Governors spoke of his pride in the school and the Principal explained the outstanding successes of the school.
The school was awarded for the achievements of the pupils in animal farming. All the guests were given a guided tour of the farm and the students gave talks at each stopping point. We were instructed on how to catch, hold and contain a sheep, how to weigh and measure a horse and the routines of care. We listened to a talk about an exchange trip to the Maldives where they students learned about sharks. We were incredibly impressed with what the young people knew and understood about animals and farming and had our eyes opened to many aspects of animal care.
It was a surprise to most people that the farm also has a section of exotic pets which the students study and take examinations in how to care for them. After the excellent lunch, at which their own lamb and pork was served, the guests were able to speak with the young people again and congratulate them on the awesome standards of knowledge and care of the animals.

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