Calling Community Groups
If you have an idea for an environmental project in your community, Kent County Council would like to invite you to the 'Be prepared, save money, take action!' Community Climate Change Conference 2010.
The conference is free to anyone interested in empowering their community to take action to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future.
The day will show you what help and resources are available to make your idea a reality and teach you the skills to 'kick-start' community support for your project.
Learn about: planning the project, getting the community involved, applying for and winning funding, making it happen, producing a flood plan.
Come and meet: UK Low Carbon Communities Network, the people aiming to create the UK's first carbon neutral community, the Kent County Council funding team, Energy Saving Trust, Environment Agency.
The conference will be on Saturday 5th June, from 9:30am-4pm at the Singleton Environment Centre, Ashford TN23 5LW.
To book your place please email
Locally sourced lunch and refreshments provided. If you have any dietary or special requirements, please indicate in your email. A shuttle bus is available on the day between Ashford International and the Singleton Environment Centre. Please indicate if you would like to use the service in your email.

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