Carriageway resurfacing of The Leas, Folkestone
Kent Highway Services are going to undertake some essential maintenance work on The Leas between Clifton Gardens and West Terrace (Monument House). The work will involve planing off the old surface to a depth of 40mm along the parking side and 100mm along the main running lane, where the base course will be replaced the same night. Once this has all been completed, a new surface course will be applied over the whole area which will be followed by the replacement of all of the road markings.
The existing road, in places, is failing structurally, and needs strengthening and resurfacing works to increase its residual life. These repair works will provide strength to the areas of failure and the overlay of a new surface course will provide a quieter carriageway.
The work will be undertaken over 2 nights from 5th October to 6th October 2009. Work will commence after 19:00 hrs and be completed no later than 05:00 hrs, with all pneumatic breaking out finished by midnight. Please be advised that this timescale may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement weather or breakdowns. Advance Notice boards will be placed prior to the works advising of the dates applicable.
Because of the width of this road, it will be necessary to close this road to all traffic - in accordance with the legislation covering the Temporary Traffic Order. A suitable diversion route will be signed whilst the works are undertaken. The on-site Traffic Management crew may however allow some limited access when safe to do so. Please note that the road will be re-opened during the daytimes.
For more information, contact Kent Highway Services 24 hour helpline on 08458 247 800 quoting project reference 09/TS/EAST/033.

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