Carroll Backs Gurkha Campaign

Peter Carroll yesterday travelled over 600 miles to back Gurkhas seeking to stay and contribute to Britain at the end of their military service. The Liberal Democrats are strongly backing the Gurkhas position that they should be allowed to stay, if they wish, at the end of their service, as citizens in this country.
Over 400 ex-Gurkha servicemen attended a lobby of the Home Office in Liverpool seeking a change to the rules which mean that after at least 15 years service for the British Army, they are denied the opportunity of British citizenship. A number of Liberal Democrats accompanied and supported the protest, including Folkestone and Hythe Parliamentary Spokesman Peter Carroll.
Peter, an ex-military serviceman and the Parliamentary Spokesman for Folkestone and Hythe, where many Gurkhas are based, said:
"From my time in service, and indeed since, I know the respect, and the affection, with which the Gurkhas are held throughout the British military."
"It is an outrage they are being treated this way. If any group of people qualify for citizenship it is surely the Gurkhas and their families."
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy MP also backed the march:
"Gurkha soldiers who have fought for Britain should not have to fight for citizenship as well. The Gurkhas should be granted British citizenship as a right of service."
The campaign for fair treatment of the Gurkhas, including the launch of a petition in support of the Gurkhas, continues. More details of the Gurkha Citizenship campaign can be found at

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