Catherine Bearder MEP, a huge banner and an argument to win
We're campaigning earlier and stronger than ever in the run up to the European elections in 2014. With the rise of UKIP and the lack of clarity from the other major Parties on the 'Europe question' we need to be leading the debate and the campaigning.
That's why, if you haven't already done so, we need you to sign up at
On Friday last week, Catherine Bearder MEP and Antony Hook led the South East Lib Dem team in formally launching our 2014 European campaign. They gathered in London to unfurl a massive banner on which 19 of the UK's top business leaders stated their belief that leaving the EU would be an economic disaster. Catherine then announced that the team will be visiting towns all across the region with a roadshow which will clearly demonstrate just how many jobs in each county are dependent on trade with the EU.
We're determined to make the positive case for Europe - and to make sure people see that a strong Lib Dem performance in the Euro Elections is vital. Voting Lib Dem is the best way to stop the rise of UKIP and ensure that we don't put at risk the jobs and other things that depend on our being part of Europe.
Every sign up to our campaign gives us more momentum.
You can read more about the launch and hear Catherine's determination to win this argument at
We're also now on twitter @ineurope2014 - please, give us a follow to help us keep you posted on developments.
This campaign will resonate with many people who are not members of our Party or any other for that matter. Please forward it to anyone or to any group that you feel may have an interest in an ongoing and successful relationship inside the EU.
A successful European Campaign has never been more vital than now, not just for the future of our party but for the future of our country.

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