Celebrate safely - ABI publishes guide on organising street parties and other events
With over 3,500 applications made so far to local authorities alone for street parties to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, this year looks set to be a bumper year for celebrations. To help party organisers ensure that events run smoothly, whether on public or private land or in your own home, the Association of British Insurers has produced a guide.
'Celebrate - An ABI guide to planning an event' sets out what party organisers need to know, including:
- Things to consider about your venue, such as is it safe for the number of people you expect, are outdoor activities involved, such as bouncy castles, and what fire aid will be available.
- If planning a street party, steps you need to take, including contacting your local council.
- Any requirements for public liability insurance and how this cover can help party organisers protect against things that could go wrong.
Nick Starling, ABI's Director of General Insurance, said:
"With communities across the country planning thousands of events this year, a few common sense precautions will help ensure that events are fun and safe. Our guide sets out the essential information that any event organiser needs to know, to ensure that celebrations planned are memorable for all the right reasons."
'Celebrate - An ABI guide to planning an event' can be found on the ABI website www.abi.org.uk

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