Charivari 2009 date announced
Folkestone Charivari organisers Strange Cargo have announced that Charivari 2009 will take place this year on Saturday 11th July. The theme for this year is 'Money' and artist teams will be working alongside students from the district's Secondary schools to create carnival builds to reflect aspects of the theme. A Teachers Masterclass will take place on Wednesday 3rd June, when teachers will be taught how to make the walker costumes with their class when they get back to school.
This year Strange Cargo will be holding workshops for adults to come along and make costumes or carnival builds in small groups. If you are interested in learning these techniques please get in contact on 01303 244533.
Charivari is one of the highlights in the Folkestone calendar, with hundreds of children and adults dressed in costumes parading through the town is a brightly coloured and musical street carnival. The event is strongly supported by Folkestone Town Council.

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