Chart Road & Morehall Avenue One Way Success

After years of work, a one way system will be installed in Chart Road and Morehall Avenue.
In 2007 Lib Dem Tom McNeice was approached by residents in these roads to help solve traffic problems. The roads suffer badly especially around school times. The roads are often locked with traffic unable to pass each way. Tom and other Lib Dems spoke to local residents and found that nearly 90% were in favour of a one way system.
Kent County Council however did not pursue it as they gave priority to other road schemes.
In 2009 a new Members Highways Fund was set up which gave money to County Councillors to spend on Highways issues.
Tom lobbied on your behalf and your Lib Dem County Councillor Tim Prater requested that KCC re-look at the scheme. KCC then consulted with local residents and the final scheme was agreed by the Joint Transport Board this month.
The one way system will be paid for from Tim's Members' Highways Fund and should be installed around Christmas.
Tom McNeice said: "After year's of work on this I am pleased something is at last being done. Let's hope the problems are relieved for local residents."

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