Cheriton and Morehall Police and PSCO Update: February 2010
Cheriton and Morehall Police and PSCO team of Mark Ball, Keith Samsun and Gavin Rolfe have emailed an update of their activities in February 2010, and details of forthcoming Surgery dates.
Please see below an update for the month of February, showing what we have been up to.
Surgeries were held on 3rd, 10th, 13th, 22nd and 25th February. Future dates include:
- 10th March at St Andrews Church Hall, from 10:30 till 12:00noon
- 20th March at All Souls Church Hall, from 10:30 till 12:00noon
- 29th March at Cheriton Library, from 10:30 till 12:00noon
PCSO Keith Sansum delivered a talk at Harcourt Primary School to year 6 pupils. The talk was based on the communities' perception of Anti-social behaviour and how they can affect this.
On 5th February PCSO Mark Ball attended The Leas Cliff Hall, and engaged with members of the community providing them with guidance on a career within Kent Police.
PCSO Keith Sansum and Neighbourhood Watch Liaison Officer Sally Coleman, attended Age Concern in Shaftesbury Avenue on 10th February, where they spoke about the benefits of the Handy Van scheme to regular visitors. Thirteen persons signed up for further information regarding the scheme.
Local Cheriton Officers Gavin Rolfe, Keith Sansum and Mark Ball attended Pent Valley Technology College on 3rd February to conduct mobile phone security marking and neighbourhood engagement surveys. Over 70 pupils had their phones marked, and were also provided with further security advice.
Officers Keith Sansum and Mark Ball attended Tesco Superstore on 22nd February where they conducted bicycle security marking and neighbourhood engagement surveys. Feedback was received from a large volume of customers who aired their views and concerns. This event was well received by both pupils and teachers, whilst raising the profile of the Cheriton Neighbourhood Police Team.
Whilst visiting The Coop in Cheriton Road in relation to another incident, PCSO Mark Ball stopped a shoplifter and returned items to the shop duty manager, who subsequently banned the individual from the store. Coop employees were very pleased to see a uniformed presence in the shop and the benefits that the visit brought. An official letter will soon be going out to the individual, which in turn will also ban him from entering other Folkestone stores.
Officers Mark Ball and Keith Sansum attended Risborough Lane in relation to a vehicle causing obstruction to a local business. All efforts were made to find the registered owner with the end result comprising of the vehicle being towed away. Local business employees were very pleased with this level of engagement.
PCSO Mark Ball conducted house-to-house surveys in Station Road and Limes Road between 26th and 27th February in order to ascertain the main priorities of local residents. Main concerns were parking issues and speeding. Mark has informed residents that Speed Watch duties will be conducted once a month at various times in order to tackle the issue of motorists using Station Road / Limes Road as a 'Rat Run'. Residents will soon be informed of when these duties shall be held. Over the coming months Mark will be conducting further surveys targeting specific roads and implementing appropriate action plans to tackle the priorities.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on the number or email provided. But please remember that if your call is urgent or an emergency dial 999.
We would like to thank you all for your support and wish you well.
PC Gavin Rolfe
PCSO Keith Sansum
PCSO Mark Ball

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