Cheriton and Morehall Police and PSCO Update: January 2010
Please see below an update for the month of December, showing what we have been up to.
Surgeries were held on Saturday 5th & Thursday 17th. Future dates include:
- Saturday 9th January. Cheriton High Street (Mobile Police Station), from 09:00 till 13:00 hrs
- Thursday 28th January. Cheriton Baptist Church, from 10:30am till 12:00noon
Community Meeting (PACT) has been scheduled for Wednesday 27th January from 19:30 hrs at The Bistro, Valley Leisure Centre, Tile Kiln Lane, Cheriton. It would be great to see you all there.
PCSO's Keith Sansum, James Chadwick and PC Gavin Rolfe attended Tesco on Cheriton High Street and conducted security marking for employee's, which was held in the staff canteen. Over 50 mobile phones were marked as well as bicycles, and I-pods. Response from Tesco staff was very positive, and as a direct result of this engagement PCSO Keith Sansum will now be hosting a public surgery at the store in January, which will be advertised at the store.
PCSO Keith Sansum and PC Gavin Rolfe attended Broomfield Road first learners Pre-School, where Keith attended as Father Christmas. This event was well received by both the children and parents.
Overall, it has been a quiet month and crime statistics across Cheriton and Morehall continue to drop.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on the number or email provided. But please remember that if your call is urgent or an emergency dial 999.
We all would like to thank you all for your support throughout 2009 and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Kind regards,
PCSO Mark Ball
Neighbourhood Policing Shepway East
Cheriton & Morehall Ward
3rd Floor Bouverie House, Folkestone
Mobile - 07772226055
Cheriton & Morehall Ward

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