Cheriton Events Calendar web site launched

A new web site designed to act as a single resource to find events happening in and near the Cheriton and Morehall areas of Folkestone has been launched by local Councillor Tim Prater. The site - - offers FREE listings of events open to Cheriton and Morehall residents, including for those under 18.
The site is based on a "Google calendar" which allows users to set up event reminders and more, as well as seeing the listings on the site. Local groups are being invited to make sure THEIR events appear in the Cheriton Events web site.
Site designer Tim Prater said:
"I hope the site will be a useful resource for all events happening in or near the Cheriton area. It should become a useful way to find interesting events for local residents, and also to help those running clubs and events to see what other events are happening through the year, and hopefully attract more people to their clubs and events!
"I was surprised to learn such a calendar listing all local events together didn't exist already: if Cheriton residents and groups get involved we can do something quite unique here!
"The site is on no way comprehensive yet - there are loads of events not listed simply because we don't have details, but that's really easy to solve!
"Getting an event listed is entirely free - clubs, societies and event organisers just need to give me event details (Event name, dates and start / end times, location (just let me know if they would prefer if the location is not put on the site, for example for children's events) and any description and contact details, which should include WHO can attend (such as age group restrictions). Simply email me on - thank you!"

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