Cheriton & Morehall Neighbourhood Police Update June 2011
On 1st June 2011 Cheriton Officers Gavin Rolfe and Mark Ball attended the junction with Ashley Avenue and Cheriton High Street in relation to a report of young persons throwing stones at local properties. Officers stopped and spoke with a group of upto 20 individuals. All persons had their details recorded, with words of warning given. The group were broken up into smaller groups and moved on from the area. Parents of the group were spoken to at scene.
Whilst on patrol in Radnor Park Road, PCSO Mark Ball stopped an individual who matched a description of a suspect wanted for Fraud. Full details were recorded, confirmed and passed onto the appropriate investigaing officer.
On 3rd June 2011 Officers Mark Ball and Debbie Bishop attended the play park area in Roman Way in relation to a report of young persons starting fires. A group of 4 persons were quickly identified, details were recorded and the group was moved on from the area. No damage had been caused and appropriate words of warning were provided in the presence of parents/guardians
On 10th June 2011 Officers Mark Ball and Debbie Bishop attended Pritchard Drive in Hawkinge, in relation to a group of young persons throwing things at and into a local property. The group were quickly identified and escorted home, where they were spoken to in the presence of their parents.
On Monday 13th June, Officers Debbie Bishop and Mark Ball found an individual well known to the Police, who was reported as missing. Partner agencies were spoken to regarding the individual's welfare, in order to ensure their safety.
PCSO's Mark Ball and Michelle Brady attended Folkestone central train station in relation to a report of nuisance youths. Whilst on scene officers were approached by a local youth who had been assaulted. The offender was quickly identified, and enquiries conducted. All details were passed onto British Transport Police for their attention.
Whilst on bike patrol, PCSO Mark Ball was approached by a young male, who reported that some one had smashed the window to the front door of his house. Conducting local enquiries on scene, the suspect was quickly identified. The mother of the individual was spoken to, who agreed to pay for any damages and to attend a meeting with her child in order that he may apologise.
On Sunday 26th June 2011 PCSO Mark Ball was contacted by various members of public regarding a local resident who has continuously been causing speeding and revving his car engine during the hours of 02:00 - 03:00. Officer Ball was able to identify this individual, who was spoken to in the presence of his parents. All vehicle documentation was checked, and words of warning provided.
Whilst on routine bike patrol in the Morehall area, PCSO Mark Ball was alerted to a report of Theft of Lead flashing from a local resident's roof. Officer Ball attended the scene within minutes and informed other officers of what the suspect's descriptions. All persons responsible were subsequently caught and arrested. The offenders for this incident may be linked to other local lead thefts.

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