Chichester Hall: 2018 Works Update
The trustees of the Chichester Hall want to update you or the works we have planned for the hall through to the end of the year.
![Chichester Memorial Hall, Sandgate](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/0/csm_chichester-memorial-hall-sandgate_cdc0b6026c.png)
We know we have an issue with water coming into the hall on the left (North Lane) side of the main hall and also in the stairwell. Although we have had a number of survey reports etc, some of the works, and the cost, will be dependent on what is found when works start. Our budget is therefore flexible: we'll do as much as we can!
In late July, we will be scaffolding the side of the hall, and then working on stopping the water getting in. Those works will include clearing, replacing and improving guttering, rebuilding sills, sealing around and repainting the upstairs windows all woodwork and any other repair to the wall or render that can be seen to be required from the scaffolding.
Immediately following that, the scaffolding will be moved to the front of the hall, and the pointing selectively raked out and replaced, filling holes and sealing throughout. There is almost certainly some sort of hole at the top of that wall as well causing the majority of water damage. Again, when at height, we'll be working to find and fix that. The woodwork to the front of the building will be painted at the same time.
We may also need scaffolding and some works to investigate some limited water staining on the right hand side of the hall by an old chimney stack: we hope that will be a fix to the flashing or similar.
Having waterproofed the walls again, we will then move inside, and plan, roughly in sequence, by the end of 2018 to:
● Make good and repaint the left wall of the hall;
● Make good and repaint the stairs and hallway;
● Refloor the main hall, probably with an underlay and hardwearing wood effect laminate floor over the existing boards, to provide a smoother and easier to maintain surface and reducing the noise in the club below;
● Works to remove and replace a falling ceiling in a back storage room;
● Refurbish and redecorate both the downstairs and upstairs toilets;
● Improvement works to the plumbing and electrics in the kitchen to prepare for a full refit and redecoration;
● If funds still allow, full kitchen refit and redecoration.
As we can afford from there on (early 2019 onwards), we hope to enhance the sound system in the hall, complete a full redecoration to the main hall, and seek to make access to the hall easier (somehow, if we can).
Where possible, works will take place outside of periods that the hall is booked, but there may be some periods of disruption. If this is the case, we'll seek to let people know as soon as possible in advance.
If you have any questions about the works as they are progressing, please contact Tim Prater at
If you have questions about current or potential hall bookings, please contact the Hall Manager Michael Chalk on 0777 877 3500 or email at
The Trustees of the Chcichester Hall are Jan Holben, Elspeth Rae, Kurt Stephens, Guy Valentine-Neale & Tim Prater
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