Chichester Hall: September 2018 Works Update
Chichester Hall Works Update - September 2018

Many thanks for your understanding during the recent works to the hall. We're pleased to say that things seem to be progressing well.
The works to the left side of the hall are now complete and scaffolding removed. Those works included replacing and improving the guttering, rebuilding window sills, sealing around and repainting all upstairs windows and all upstairs woodwork and filling a multitude of cracks to the wall and render.
We don't want to tempt fate, but after the heavy rain of August Bank Holiday weekend an inspection showed no sign of water coming into the hall along that wall. We'll continue to check it, but good news!
The scaffolding has now (early September) been moved to the front of the hall, and over the next four weeks amongst other works the pointing will selectively raked out and replaced, other holes found and made good, sills repaired, windows resealed and all woodwork rubbed back and repainted (windows, doors, roofline) to the front of the building.
After this we will move inside, and, roughly in sequence, by the end of 2018 plan to:
● Make good and repaint the left wall of the hall;
● Make good and fully redecorate the stairs and hallway;
● Refloor the main hall, probably with an underlay and hardwearing wood effect laminate floor over the existing boards, to provide a smoother and easier to maintain surface and reducing the noise in the club below;
● Remove a falling ceiling in a back storage room;
● Refurbish and redecorate both the downstairs and upstairs toilets;
● Improvement works to the plumbing and electrics in the kitchen to prepare for a full refit and redecoration;
● If funds still allow, refit and decorate kitchen.
As we can afford from there on (early 2019 onwards), we hope to enhance the sound system in the hall, complete a full redecoration to the main hall, and seek to make access to the hall easier (somehow, if we can).
Where possible, works will take place outside of periods that the hall is booked, but there may be some periods of disruption. If this is the case, we'll seek to let people know as soon as possible in advance.
If you have any questions about the works as they are progressing, please contact Tim Prater at
If you have questions about current or potential hall bookings, please contact the Hall Manager Michael Chalk on 0777 877 3500 or email at
The Trustees of the Chichester Hall are Jan Holben, Daid Cowell, Elspeth Rae, Guy Valentine-Neale & Tim Prater

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