Contaminated Petrol: Are you Affected?
Kent Trading Standards have received a number of complaints from motorists alleging that their cars have required repairs as a result of being filled with contaminated petrol.
If consumers can show that the fuel purchased was contaminated they can make a claim under the Sale of Goods Act against the retailer that they bought it from.
Drivers experiencing problems should take their car to a garage to get it independently examined. If contaminated petrol is proven to be the cause of the fault, customers should ask their garage for a written report confirming this, and ask for a sample of the fuel. They should then, prior to any work being carried out, contact the original seller of the fuel with a copy of the proof of purchase and ask for redress. Kent Trading Standards also recommend people keep their receipts from their petrol purchases to prove time and date of sale, should they need to make a claim.
People who have experienced problems are advised to contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 who will make sure that the details are passed to the relevant local authority Trading Standards Service. Consumer Direct advisers will also provide appropriate information on consumer rights and advice on taking action.

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