County Hall Officer Pay-off Slammed
Commented on national news reports that of Kent County Council's explanation of why it paid £365,000 to a director who left after a year in his job, Lib Dem Kent County Council Finance Spokesman Tim Prater said:
"This payment is absolutely off the scale, and the reasons for making any payment at all are in conflict with the statements as to why Adam Wilkinson left."
"I find it absolutely extraordinary that if he chose to go voluntarily, as it appeared he did, why was there any payment whatsoever? The size of it beggars belief and is an outrageous use of public money,"
"Clearly, there is something missing from the story here. You show me the employment legislation that says you have to give someone a payout on this scale."
The County Council claim that it was forced by law into paying off its former environment and highways director Adam Wilkinson the money when he unexpectedly quit in 2008. At the time, he said he was doing so for family reasons and was finding it hard to commute from his Yorkshire home.
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