COVID 19: "How Can I get help" and "How Can I offer help" in Folkestone and Hythe?
In Folkestone and Hythe District, three Community Support Hubs are being set up for both those that NEED help due to COVID-19 issues over the next few weeks, and those OFFERING it. There have been a HUGE number of people wanting to help, and the Support Hubs (which should offer phone numbers, email and online forms) will be the place to do so.
The types of help needed will include making calls to the vulnerable and elderly (so can be done by those self-isolating), leaflet delivery with contact information, helping to "fetch and carry", answering phones and more - all welcome.
Equally, the Support Hubs will be where you call or email if you need help, support or even just a call back by someone to talk to.
A District contact point will collate District-wide information, and channel volunteer and help requests onto the three Community Hubs.
The District contact email and helpline is or phone 01303 761116:
- Find out about help and assistance available locally and get signposted to national support;
Offer to volunteer to become a community champion and support your community;
Feed back helpful information or concerns about your community or individuals.
This helpline is open 9am - 5pm seven days a week.
Contact details on the Support Hubs is being released as soon as possible - Hythe and Romney Marsh Hubs are up and running already. Clearly, if you have health concerns right now and need medical guidance, call 111.
- Folkestone Community Support Hub [including Sandgate and Hawkinge]. Contact details TBC hopefully 23/3/2020.
- Hythe Community Support Hub - led by AgeUK Hythe & Lyminge. Phone 01303 269602 or
- Romney Marsh Community Support Hub - led by Romney Day Centre. Phone 01797 363888 centre is also providing hot meals at cost price.