Day out in Sandwich
A slick organisation and a well planned day was blessed by the excellent weather to create a memorable experience in Sandwich. The Speaker of The Cinque Ports and Town Mayor, Terry, opened the day with a welcome. With 30 people attending the fund raising event, there was a need to split up into three groups for the tours.
Our group began with the tour of the Guildhall where the Town Sergeant entertained us with stories from history and an amazing array of period pieces and items but always with a laugh and a smile. He gave us so much additional information that it brought dead and cold exhibits to life. We held a mace, probably held by Queen Elizabeth 1. Awesome! As we met to be handed over to the next guide, the timing was perfect which continued throughout the day.
Moving onto a trip along the river with a captain who lived up to the tradition of sailors telling tales that amused and intrigued. The beauty of the scenery and the gentle swaying of the boat, was extraordinarily relaxing. Dutch barges and modern houseboats shared the space along the banks and yet neither appeared out of place.
The walk through the town, weaving in and out of tiny ally- ways and streets, was also highly interesting. We were tempted to ask the guide to slow down but he had so much to show us in an hour that he wanted to 'crack on' and not miss anything out. That's not surprising, except to know that the guide was an ex Mayor and had done 2 or 3 stints as Mayor as far back as 1950's!!!!! Yes, he was over 90 and out-striding us all.
The tours of Guildhall, river and town over 3 hours left us all feeling the need for refreshment, which came in the form of a 'High Tea' with thinly cut cucumber sandwiches and a cream tea of scones, jam and cream with a traditional "cuppa". A perfect end to a perfect day.

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