Decorating Sandgate: Make Bunting for the Jubilee!

Sandgate Business "The Sewing Space" are running a series of Bunting Days on Saturdays through April and May for local people and businesses to come and make bunting together for the summer!
The plan is to decorate much of Sandgate High Street for the summer covering the Jubilee, Olympic Torch Visit and Sandgate Sea Festival with red white and blue bunting, alongside displays by local shops, colour-themed hanging baskets and lamp post flags.
Angie from The Sewing Space says:
"I'm sure many of you are planning some festivities of your own that would benefit from some of the fantastically festive flags. What better way to churn out several metres than with your mates or some like-minded sewers?
"You can make it as basic or intricate as you like. (full instructions & help are on hand)
"You can use re-cycled fabrics like old shirts, sheets or curtains or purchase some shiny & new (as long as it's all red, white or blue), but whatever you dthe o, make it social! Join us on any Saturday morning in April or May and MAKE THAT BUNTING! Jubilee festivities will be 1st-5th of June.
"The Bunting Days are FREE (if youd like to donate your bunting for Sandgate High Street) or ff you want to bring or buy your fabric & keep your bunting the cost is £10 per 5 metres of bunting made - includes use of rotary cutters, patterns, instructions, tape, use of machines & thread."

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