Directory of social help offered by CTF member churches
The below excellent directory of social help offered by Churches Together in Folkestone (CTF) member churches has been put together and I was recently forward a copy. It's great to see so much support - and in so many different and very pratical ways - being offered by the Folkestone Community.
If you could either help any of the projects below - or could use their support - please get in touch with the listed contact - I know they would be happy to hear from you. Phone numbers are 01303 dially codes unless otherwise stated.
Directory of social help offered by CTF member churches
Poverty / homelessness issues & vulnerable adults
Rainbow Centre Drop-in Mon-Fri am - washing/shower facilities /club / clothing vouchers / foodbags & help 850733
FoodStop - mobile soup & sandwiches Tues/Thurs/Sat Marine Cres. 5.15 & back of Magistrates Court 5.50pm 850733
Winter shelter - Night accommodation and food coordinated by Rainbow 850733
Befriending project (indiv meeting w homeless/vulnerably housed) John Burgess 850733
East Folkestone Ecumenical Project community worker Jon Clarke 867002 Based at Folkestone Baptist Church Hill Rd. Debt, health, Neighbourhood Watch, community groups, community projects, digital mentoring, youth projects, walk for health. 07808 728670
SKCC Christians against poverty (CAP) Centre manager: pregnancy crisis counselling: debt counselling 257559 Millfield (Cheriton Rd) Drop in Mon & Wed pm
Salvation Army breakfast Mon-Fri 8.30am also emergency help/shower facilities 251379 Charity shop Rendezvous St
Cheriton Baptist - social needs housing, debt, parenting, relationships 278717
Life Church community worker 248510
Visiting elderly/housebound Our Lady Help of Christians St Vincent & St Paul Society 252823 visit the sick, St John's Older people's worker Robert Grieve. Weekly 'Prime time'- pastoral visits/outings. 246422 Folkestone Baptist Pastoral Visiting team 07808 728670 Life Church-Autumn Harvest- visits to Residential homes & Sunday services 240033
Lunch Clubs Salvation Army (Thursdays 1230) 251379 St John's (3rd Monday1200) 246422
Vine Books Cheriton Place a caring welcome, Christian books, music, coffee shop. Mary Harding 210900
Hospital visiting support Holy Trinity Benefice Lay Chaplains in the East Kent hospitals NHS Trust Cheryl Holt 272035 David Troke 252029
Prison visiting Folkestone Baptist-Caring for ex-offenders network 07808 72867
Job seekers St Saviour's (Mon Wed Fri 12-3pm) 244610
Bereavement SKCC Bereavement Drop-in (Thurs 1100-1400) 257559
Other companionship St Mary & St Eanswythe's Pub lunches club (2nd Thurs of month) 252947 St Saviour's tea and natter (1st Fri 1-4pm) also SEW-n-sew ( 1st & 3rd Tues) 244114 St George's Meeting Point (2nd& 4th Wed 10.30) 253831: Holy Trinity knit & chat (Weds. 10.30) 253831 : Sandgate Rd Methodist Supper Club (2nd Wed 7.30) 240228: Salvation Army Over 6o's group Monday afternoons: Home League (welcoming fellowship for older age group) 251379: Cheriton Baptist Meeting point (2nd Weds 2.30-4pm) 278717 Community Coffee shop Thurs 1030-1230: St Andrew's Coffee morning (Weds 1030-12)278169: St Saviour's Drama & dance (Tues 4.30pm) 244114: Folkestone Baptist Fellowship (Tuesday 2.30) Aerobics (Thurs7.45pm) 07808 728670: Life Church Drop-in (2nd Wed) 248510: Capel Baptist Craft Club (1st Fri 1900-2100) 276406
Parent/carers and toddlers groups All Souls ( Harbour Community (Weds. 10am) 211285: Sandgate Rd Methodist (Weds and Fri 9.30-1130) 240228 : CBC (Weds 10-12) 278717: SKCC 257559: Life Church ( 240033 Salvation Army (Thurs 10-12) 251379 Cheriton Pentecostal Baby Café (1.30-3) 279422 St Paul's Sparrows (Thurs 1.30) St George's The Flock 272492 (Fri 1.30-3pm) Holy Trinity Little Fishes (every 2nd Wed 1.30)248675
Pre-school Playgroups at Salvation Army and Mundella School (under Rainbow Centre) 850733 Folkestone Baptist Little Acorns Nursery 07808 728670
Children's work Harbour Community Club 47 (School years Recep, 1&2): Club 5-0ne-0 (years 3, 4, 5&6) 211285: Salvation Army (Tues & Fri) 251379: Folkestone Baptist (Tues 4.30-5.30: Girls' Brigade Thurs) 252259: St George's Messy Church every 1st Sat 4.30: CBC Young Life Recep to Yr 6 (5.45-7.15 pm)
Youth work Our Lady Help of Christians Youth Club (7-9pm Fridays) 252823 Harbour Community Urban Saints Youth Club (school years 7, 8,9,10,11) 211285 Cheriton Baptist Drop-in for 14-19yrs (Weds 7-9.30pm) 278717 teenage mentoring The Lounge 11-16yrs (Fri 8-9.39 pm) The Gathering 14-21 yrs (Sun 7-9.30pm) SKCC Youth Cell (alt Mons. Drop-in Fri 3-5pm) 257559 Life Church NRG Youth Club 11-14's & Raze Youth Club 14-17 yrs (Fri 6-10pm) Base Youth Club (Sats 5.30-10pm) 240033 Life Church-10 week youth programme with families to bring positive change 248510 Salvation Army Thurs (girls' night) Fri 251379: Folkestone Baptist Girls Brigade (Thurs) Youth Gp for 10-16's (Fri): St George's Early Net (Fri 3.30-5pm) Late Net (Fri 7.30-9pm) 07843434141: Holy Trinity- Scouts Cubs Beavers Guides Brownies/Rainbows 253831
Schools work links St John's-Folkestone Primary Academy: Folkestone Baptist-Castle Hill Primary: Harbour Community-St Mary's: St George's-Sandgate Primary: Holy Trinity-Christchurch: St Mary & St Eanswythe-St Eanswythe's: St Peter's-St Peter's C of E Primary: SKCC visits Primary Schools
Other Agencies
St Saviour's Centre (at St Saviour's church) contact Diane Turner 244610 Job Club, Digital Mentors, Community Market, Thrift Shop-sell and buy children's clothes
Citizens' Advice Bureau practical information on wide range of issues including legal rights, money problems 20 Church St Folkestone (Monday 12-3pm Tues-Fri 10-12.30) 08444-994118
St Augustine's Centre 39/41 Dover Rd charity supported by SDC enhancing quality of life especially for children/parents/carers in urban priority area 220780
Age UK formerly Age Concern local office 65 Shaftesbury Ave 279031 Amanda French
Porchlight homelessness charity based in Ashford with accommodation resources. 24 hour helpline 08005677699
B-4-8's in F'stone 4 Town Walk Centre support info advice drop-in 'early years' resource for carers with young children 0800 6335893
Folkestone Migrant Support local charity educational and integration help for asylum seekers, refugees. migrants 01303 250572
Shepway Volunteer Centre based URC Church Castle Hill pairs volunteers with charities to help with transport/befriending/task force etc 01303 259007 or email
Samaritans confidential emotional help to those in despair 9 Cambridge Gdns 01303 255000
Alcoholics Anonymous National helpline 0845 7697555 Meetings at St Augustine's Centre Dover Rd and Salvation Army
Compiled by Churches Together in Folkestone Whole Life Forum. May 2012. Please email amendments and additions to

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