Do you shout at the TV?
Have you ever listened to a politician on the radio and thought "That sounds good, but what's the full story?"
Want to shout at the TV with facts and figures instead of incoherent rage?
Liberals tend to be people who ask for that little bit more in-depth knowledge.
Now we have brought together party news, media coverage, policy announcements and party blogs on one website for the first time:
Whether you're a party supporter or just curious, you can get yourself informed:
- click through to the details behind the press releases and read our policies for yourself
- click through to find out the latest events and meet-ups in your area on FlockTogether
- watch YouTube films from our MPs (and why not respond by posting a video response of your own?)
- talk it all over with fellow liberals on the unofficial blogs at Lib Dem Voice and Lib Dem Blogs - it's all here, the bad news stories as well as the good!
- get freshly-baked daily liberal news by signing up to our (RSS) news feed or Twitter updates
You'll stay ahead of the media schedule, read newspapers with a more critical eye and debate with like-minded people. Next time you hear a politician on the radio, the chances are you'll already know the ins and outs of what they're talking about.
So now you can shout at the TV like the knowledgeable, media-savvy liberal you are. Don't get angry - get informed!

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