Don't Panic! Major Emergency Exercise planned for Lydd Airport
Lydd (London Ashford Airport) in the Romney Marsh will be subject to a full-scale live emergency exercise (Exercise Titan) on Wednesday 2nd September between 9am and 4pm to test the emergency services' response to a major incident at the site.
Simon Warner, Kent Fire and Rescue Service's (KFRS) Exercise Director said:
"Exercise Titan will provide a valuable training opportunity to fully test the operational skills and knowledge associated with dealing with a commercial aircraft incident.
"KFRS carries out awareness visits and training at the site on a regular basis, checking that correct procedures are in place. Although safety standards at the airport are very high, it is important that an exercise of this nature is carried out to ensure that the contingency plans are as robust as possible."
The exercise will be jointly led by Kent Fire and Rescue Service and Lydd Airport firefighters and will involve staff from the airport, Kent Police and South East Coast Ambulance Trust. There will be minimum disruption to the surrounding area.

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