Double Whammy: Lib Dems fight for Cleaner Streets AND a zero rise in Council tax

Liberal Democrats on Folkestone Town Council have proposed additional spending for cleaner streets for Folkestone AND a Zero percent rise in Council Tax for next year. The proposal, which would have seen Council cash reserves rise more slowly in 2007-2008, was voted down by Councillors of all other groups.
The proposal was put at Folkestone Town Council's Finance meeting in November. Councillors from Go Folkestone, the Conservatives and "People First" voted against the proposal. Some wanted to see Council Tax rise to ensure higher bank reserves, and some wanted to see extra spending on cleaner streets axed for next year.
The Lib Dems voted for cleaner streets for Folkestone AND a Zero percent rise in Council Tax for next year.
Lib Dem Town Councillor Tim Prater explained:
"The total impact of doing both those things is around £20,000 - and at this moment, over £45,000 is proposed to go into "reserves" for next year. Our budget proposal would therefore have:
- Delivered more spending on clean streets in Folkestone
- Delivered a zero percent rise in Council Tax next year
- STILL delivered an *increase* of around £25,000 in reserves!
"Current figures also show there is likely to be an underspend of over £20,000 for the 2006-07 financial year - which of course, the Council plans to put into reserves! Although it's important to have sensible balances to plan for new expenditure and deal with unexpected events, the current rate of increase is simply too much."
Lib Dem Town Council Group Leader, Hugh Robertson-Ritchie, agrees:
"I strongly believe that the priorities for next year should be to see our streets cleaner, and also that, where it is affordable, we should keep Council Tax rises as low as possible."

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