EXCLUSIVE: Shepway Conservatives Carry on Claiming Expenses - Liberal Democrats Cost You Less
Research by Shepway Liberal Democrats has shown that Liberal Democrat Councillors claim less expenses from the Council than any other group.
Averaging expenses claims by Group over the year 2009-10 (from the figures published at http://www.shepway.gov.uk/content/view/1669/1753/) shows that:
Conservative average expense claim: £405.92
People First average expense claim: £277.92
Liberal Democrat average expense claim: £242.33
Expenses are claimed above basic and special responsibility allowances paid to Councillors. Basic Councillor allowances at Shepway are £3,867. Expenses are for additionally claimed items above the allowances paid, such as for travel and subsistence.
Liberal Democrat District Group Leader Lynne Beaumont said:
"I'm pleased that the Liberal Democrats are offering the Council best value and keeping our expenses claims low. Maybe it is time for council tax payers in Shepway to ask why, on average, Conservative councillors claim a lot more in expenses than Liberal Democrat councillors.
"This is not to do with allowances, but everything to do with expenses claimed on top of the allowances agreed by Council. Are you getting value for your money? In these days of cut backs, job losses and hardship for thousands of people, the Conservative group continue to claim expenses on a large scale.
"I'm sure the Conservative answer will be that they are not breaking any rules, and that all claims are within the constitution and the law. Well, where have we heard that one before? All Conservative and People First councillors should ask themselves the question: 'Just because I can, does that mean I should?'.
"Many thousands of people struggle to pay their council tax. Before the Conservative councillors Carry On Claiming, they should remember that the money they are spending is your hard earned money. It's not some bottomless pit available for their use."

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