Expansion could lead lead to traffic chaos

The proposed expansion at Lydd airport is likely cause major traffic problems across the Marsh says campaigner Peter Carroll.
The airport wants to expand from taking 4000 passengers a year to around 2,000,000.
Peter Carroll said, "The expansion would bring an extra 20,000 vehicles onto our roads EVERY WEEK as passengers, workers and deliveries have to get to the airport. I don't believe our roads can take this extra traffic."
Peter and Cllr Julie White are campaigning against plans to expand the airport and for a full Public Inquiry into the plans. As well as traffic concerns, they are also worried about the affects of noise from low flying jet aircraft.
Cllr Julie White said, "Noise from jets would do real damage to our local tourist trade and to the quality of life of thousands of residents."
Peter added, "We want to see more jobs and prosperity created on the Marsh, but not at the expense of destroying what we already have."
Marsh MP Michael Howard and the Conservatives are backing expansion and oppose a public inquiry on the issue.

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