Fake text messages targeting parents

22 Oct 2019

Action Fraud and others are reporting a scam by text where criminals are sending out distressing messages.

How this scam works:

  • Victims receive a text message from a loved-one which says they are in hospital
  • The only way that they can make contact is via text message
  • Victims are asked to purchase mobile phone top-up codes and text it to the criminal
  • Once the criminals have the code, they can get the cash credited to their own mobile phone account.

Protect yourself:

  • These messages can evolve into more elaborate scenarios and play on your emotions and get you to react quickly without thinking.
  • If you receive one of these text messages, don't send any codes or money, delete it and report it to Action Fraud.
  • If a family member was hospitalised, they would never be forced to use a mobile phone that required credit to activate it.

Visit Action Fraud for more information on this scam.

Please warn family members, friends and neighbours.

Report it.

Larry Ngan and Lib Dem Campaigners on The Leas, Folkestone

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Larry Ngan, Daniel and Fry with "Build More Houses" t-shirt on The Leas, Folkestone

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