Farron v Kramer: Choosing the next Party President
Ballot papers have now been despatched to everyone who was a current member of the Liberal Democrats on 28th September for the election of a new Party President.
Tim Farron (www.timfarronforpresident.org.uk) and Susan Kramer (www.susan-kramer.info) took part in an online hustings on Wednesday evening, taking questions from a live and online audience. The videos are at http://tinyurl.com/38uf2kb - watch the two candidates explain why they want to be Party President and discuss what they would do in the role.
Ballot papers were despatched by second class post on Monday 18th October. Don't panic if yours hasn't arrived yet, it should be with you shortly. If your ballot mailing hasn't arrived by next Monday (25th October) and you are sure that you were a paid-up member on 28th September, please let us know by emailing returning.officer@libdems.org.uk. Please remember to include your name, postcode and membership number (if you have it) in the message.
Completed ballot papers need to be returned by Wednesday 10th November.

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