Fighting for Justice for Anthony Cowie
You may have read in the local press, about Mr Anthony Cowie, and the battle he is having with Shepway District Council (SDC).
Mr Cowie and his family have run their business in Folkestone since 1959. In 2001, SDC compulsory purchased their premises to make way for the new shopping centre. Mr and Mrs Cowie have had to cash in their pe nsions to pay for their relocation. To date, they have been paid £100,000, when in fact this move has cost them £228,000. The Council's agents have now stated that negotiations are over, as the Cowie's have not reached a settlement within their timescales.
We put a motion to SDC, that this matter should be investigated, not only looking at the legal, but the moral implications of this case.
As a direct result, Mr Cowie's case is being scrutinised, and the findings being put before Cabinet, for them to make a final decision on this matter.
To me, this is a prime example of why I wanted to become a Lib Dem Councillor. To fight for Mr Cowie and his family, is a privilege and an honour, and we are doing everything possible for this family to get what is rightfully theirs. We stand up and fight for people who need us, and we will continue to do so.
It is not just about fighting the opposition, it is about standing up for peoples rights. It is about standing up for the values we believe in, That in my view, is what being a Liberal Democrat Councillor is all about.

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