Final Guide Centenary
Walking into a room at The Grand where 500 Brownies and Guides were waiting to celebrate the end of their Centenary Year, is ear piercing! High pitched squeals however, disappear to nothing as a ripple of raised hands signal that silence is required. No shouting or nagging, just a raised hand by one Guider is copied by the closest girls who remain silent whilst their hands are raised, and the room becomes silent within seconds. Amazing.
It was rather daunting to be asked on stage, not to make a speech, but to support the entertainer. That usually involves being humiliated, but he was kind to me and just asked me to strap him into a straight-jacket. Phew!
Michael Stainer laid on Hot Dogs and squash for all the children and adults, but the highlight of the evening was the firework display set off from the roof of The Grand. I must confess to not watching all the fireworks, instead preferring to watch the delight on the faces of the children mesmerised by the awesome sight of the firework display.

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